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Development of a banking platform
for a wide network of RKOagent partners

About the client
RKOagent is a company providing financial services for business. The company is engaged in attracting clients for the provision of a variety of services from partner banks, such as: Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, VTB, Otkritie, MTS-bank and others. The company's end clients are business owners who need multiple banking services, but, as a rule, they do not have time to understand the conditions and documents of banks, as well as compare them in search of a profitable offer.
What the client wanted to receive

The client contacted Delta with the aim of automating interactions between partners, company managers and banks through the interface of a single web application. The platform must perform the following tasks:

  • Processing customer requests. Creating and managing requests for services from customers via the web application interface
  • Service management. Providing information on products and services of a partner bank, changing and supplementing all related information by RKOagent administrators
  • Technical support. Resolving customer issues and problems

An important condition was the existence of a separate system of rights for employees and partners of the company.

Our task was to create a multifunctional platform that would collect requests for partnership from the main site and enable partners who signed an agency agreement to work with requests for banking services from their clients.
To create a clear technical task for developers and designers, it was necessary:
  • A detailed analysis of competitors' platforms provided by the customer
  • Identify system deficiencies
  • Conduct multiple interviews, including with end users of the platform

«First, for convenient interaction, a showcase site was created in the form of a landing page, displaying the advantages and benefits of cooperation. With its help, a future partner can register a personal account in one click and submit an application for partnership in RKOagent.»

Philip, Project Manager

Project Manager

Companies interested in cooperation should apply for registration of a personal account in the system, provide their data and wait for approval from RKOagent employees. The submitted partner application is immediately sent for processing to administrators, who review it through the administrative panel.
Next, an agency agreement is concluded with the company that submitted the application, and a partner card and a new user with the rights necessary to submit client applications are created in the system itself. The partner's personal account displays the entire range of functions that are available to him within the framework of cooperation. The first and main section is used to manage applications for the provision of services from partner banks for attracted clients.
This function allows the partner to track requests received from clients for banking services. The request contains information about the client, as well as the desired service. The manager can create requests and track the status of the provision of a particular service.

All created requests are displayed in the same section of the partner's personal account. The section displays brief information about each request, including:

  • Application ID
  • Client name
  • Banking service type and partner bank
  • Application status
  • Application creation date
  • Assigned employee

For ease of working with applications, the section provides filters that allow you to sort applications by specified criteria.

Analytics on applications allows you to track the effectiveness of cooperation between the partner and the service. Here you can see information on the number of processed applications for banking products, completed transactions, the amount in rubles and statistics on the conversion of applications.
Administrators have the ability to manage current services of partner banks, which are located in the corresponding section. You can edit information about a service or bank, change the activity status.
Managing the documentation required to process services is a necessary element of any banking platform. The corresponding section allows you to store documents in one place, sorted by individual partners and banks, which simplifies searching and access to them.

The customer wanted to create a single banking platform for collecting and processing applications with exclusive access only for RKOagent administrators/managers and the company's partners. We developed a system that allows administrators and managers to:

  • manage employees, partners and their rights;
  • manage the list of banks and information on them;
  • manage the list of products (banking services) and the amounts of agency fees;
  • in the «Documents» section, upload documents for all banks and personal documents of partners;
  • in the «Applications» section, track all partner applications, flexibly filter them and view detailed information about each;
  • upload filtered applications to CSV and Excel files;
  • select closed applications and generate reports based on them, attach document files.

The developed service also allows partners who are looking for clients to:

  • fill out the application form for banking services with the ability to autofill details by TIN and client address;
  • track the status of applications in the table;
  • see acts, the list of applications included in the act, and the attached document files.

Individual functionality has been developed for each group of system users. The platform capabilities and set of tools were developed separately for both RKOagent employees and partners.

Order a personal commercial offer
Consent to the processing of personal data