We catch trends and changes in the industry.
We conduct deep analytics.
We give recommendations on project development and implement them.
We catch trends and changes in the industry.
We conduct deep analytics.
We give recommendations on project development and implement them.
Client Login

Paving slab plant:
growth of requests from the site to 198

Advertising system
Age of the advertising campaign
1 year 1 month
Budget per month
Up to 15,000 RUB
Call growth (per month)
Briefly about the client's business:
The Don-Stein plant is one of the largest manufacturers of paving slabs in the Southern Federal District.
«DON-STEIN» - paving slabs plant
Main objective: increase the number of requests from the site
Collecting the semantic core
Clustering queries and selecting landing pages
Creating an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct
Flexible management of the advertising budget
Additional Complexities
1. Limited Advertising Budget
Contextual Advertising Specialist
The client is willing to spend no more than 15,000 rubles on an advertising campaign per month. This is a fairly limited advertising budget even within one region: Rostov-on-Don.
2. A large list of directions
Budget constraints are especially noticeable when working out the directions for which an advertising campaign is being developed. The client wants to advertise all products; it is important for him to get traffic for each production line.
Contextual advertising specialist
We decided to collect the most elaborate semantic core, covering the narrowest and low-frequency phrases. This will maximize the relevance of ads, reduce the cost per click and optimize consumption.
How we worked on the project
Analyzed competitors and prepared recommendations
Advertising campaigns (structure, requests, budgets)
Offer (prices, assortment, USP)
Websites (catalog, marketing blocks, contact forms)
  • 1
    Collected and agreed on a list of requests
Buy gray paving stones
Paving stones Brick
Paving stones + in Rostov-on-Don
Paving stones + from the manufacturer
Buy paving stones + in Rostov-on-Don
Sidewalk paving stones +in Rostov
Paving stones in Rostov
Buy paving stones +from the manufacturer
Paving stones +in Rostov region
Buy paving stones
Street paving stones
Paving stones +in Rostov
Paving stones +in Rostov-on-Don
Buy sidewalk paving stones +in Rostov
Buy paving stones
+217 more queries!
  • 2
    Collected a brief for the campaign, wrote down the USP
  • 3
    Prepared text blocks for the Search Campaign
  • 4
    We agreed on banners for YAN
contextual advertising specialist
When analyzing the site, we found that there was no visible Cart icon. The first views of the webvisor (a tool for viewing user activity on the site) confirmed that users were getting lost in searching for products they had put in their cart.
Added the icon.
  • 5
    We introduced regular changes of promotions on the website and in the advertising campaign texts to analyze the effectiveness of marketing strategies
  • 6
    After 2 months of running the advertising campaign, we conducted a deep analysis of the conversion potential of advertisements and queries. We identified the areas that bring in the most leads, allocated them to a separate advertising campaign and redistributed budgets. This brought a 30% increase in conversions
Sudden complexity
contextual advertising specialist
With the overall growth of indicators in the warm period, in the fall all the results that had been achieved began to creep down. Paving slabs are seasonal products. In the fall and winter months, interest drops sharply, and rates rise, as competitors want to collect the rest of the traffic. The first desire is to do the same: increase rates and agree on an increase in the budget. However, based on experience, we understand that an increase in rates that is not justified by traffic usually leads to a drain on the budget.
Enable the micro-conversion strategy "viewing more than 5 pages". Based on statistics, it is this micro-conversion that precedes (in most cases) sending a lead. Maintain the previous budget restrictions, while raising rates by 15%.
Monthly website conversion during season: up to 198 requests
Monthly website conversion in NOTseason: up to 103 hits
Average cost per click of Search campaigns in season
Date Clicks Avg. click price (RUB)
Mar 2020 432 16,4
Apr 2020 598 13,93
May 2020 561 17,3
June 2020 610 11,38
Jul 2020 912 9,47
Aug 2020 757 11,69
Average cost per click of Search campaigns in NOTseason
Date Clicks Avg. click price (RUB)
Nov 2020 362 26,48
Dec 2020 269 26,47
Jan 2021 208 25,61
Feb 2021 209 22,71
Goal for the future
Increasing the monthly budget with a proportional increase in requests. We are entering a new sales season with a well-built advertising campaign and are planning to increase the number of requests from the site while maintaining the seasonal cost of a lead.
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