The main task — creation and promotion of a website with a new structure in a subject requiring confirmation of expertise in the conditions of a low budget and extremely limited time of the Customer to participate in the project.
Increasing traffic and converting warm clients into patients of a multidisciplinary medical center for adults and children.
From the client's requests: transferring the site to a new platform, integration with the database and tools of the clinic, development of a mobile version, online registration and a personal account on the site.
Already starting from the site development stage, the AI functionality was used to achieve maximum results within the existing modest budget. The specialists transferred the routine analytical workload to artificial intelligence: analysis of competitors' sites and creation of the best site structure for the client's tasks. AI analyzed competitors with high positions and collected possible solutions for the formation of the site structure - all this was discussed with the customer. Some points were implemented, some were rejected at the request of the client.
Most of the subsequent events were also carried out using AI, including our internal AI-based innovation module. This allowed us to significantly save specialists' time and use it to conduct additional events. And also to consider several alternative possible options proposed by AI for each of the events and make optimal decisions on them. We will consider them below.
New sites are not yet known to the search engine, do not have any background - the search engine does not yet know how to evaluate the quality of the site until no one has visited it. In this case, of course, we are not talking about the so-called "Sandbox", because the new site was located on a domain already known to search engines and had insignificant positions, but since the structure and content changed dramatically, we had to work on improving the crawling of the updated site by search robots and carefully monitoring problem areas.
Due to the large volume of work and low budget, AI was used to solve a variety of tasks, namely: development of the site architecture, compilation of a semantic core (commercial and informational) using our internal AI-based innovation module, article creation (optimization and blog), website optimization, unique image creation, potential traffic forecast, two types of audit (technical audit and usability audit). At the initial stage, a large volume of activities in working on the site can have a negative effect, so all optimization stages were carried out gradually. Technically, the site must be well-developed to withstand competition with trusted resources.
The site must meet the requirements of search engines, must be constantly updated so that robots can see the viability of the site, its ability to be of interest and benefit to clients and visitors, compliance with the needs of the target audience. for this purpose, informational articles for the blog were constantly written with the help of AI.
Search by doctors, and not just services - micro-markup settings have been implemented to generate specialist cards in the search, since doctors have authority and a reputation in their field, and this allows them to attract and entice clients to the clinics where a particular doctor works.
Result: formed the background, presented and formalized the credit of trust for search engines, developing usability taking into account the results of constant analysis of metric data, competitors and the medical services market in the region, as well as improving technical functionality.
For sites of this topic, expertise and presentability are important, as well as a detailed presentation of services. In the medical field, there are a number of requirements that must be observed according to the law, one of them is a version of the site for the visually impaired, which was implemented on a mandatory basis. Another requirement is confidentiality of patient data, which we ensured by creating a personal account and installing an appropriate data protection system.
Consultation with specialists helped in writing articles - they turned out to be expert and at the same time technically suitable for correct perception by search engines. We also used AI to successfully combine these tasks. It was very helpful in correctly setting keys in articles on complex topics like this one.
We presented all specialists and their services on the website pages - with a complete and extensive picture, patient confidence increases. And it also allows you to get conditionally branded traffic when a patient searches for a specific doctor, taking into account the history of his visits. This was achieved by setting up micro-markup to display cards on the results page.
Also, in our work on the project, we took into account some seasonality of the sphere — those periods of the year when the incidence rate is higher and, accordingly, people make more frequent appointments with a doctor, as well as scheduled check-ups, for example, before the start of the school year (late August).
We start working on seasonal queries several months in advance and write informational articles with the necessary keys for the future, so that the content is well indexed and ranked, and by the time the client searches, the result is noticeably better, which means that the ability to inform the client on a particular issue increases significantly. In addition, we worked out the structure of the material, which would allow us to combine several goals: informing the client and cross-linking with other pages of the site, both to strengthen the connection between the pages and to improve navigation for visitors with the services provided and specialists.
The number of potential clients is limited due to the territorial feature, it is necessary to predict growth points by attracting neighboring towns, including a city with a population of one million, located in close proximity.
Due to competent collection of the semantic core and analysis of the target audience, we expanded the coverage, using keys that are in demand in different parts of the region. As a result, we were able to attract patients outside the city, from neighboring cities, who are ready to use the customer's services, thanks to the competently presented information and the convenience of the site.
In this topic, there are many large sites with a significant link mass, well-known players in the market, which are well known search robots, including the frequency of their updates, which complicates the entry of a newcomer into the market.
Gradual increase in the site mass, improvement of the technical component, usability are mandatory conditions for increasing the Site Quality Index, on which it directly depends whether search robots will choose our site to display on the first search page.
1. Technical
2. SEO
3. Usability
Within a modest budget, when developing a website, it is important to immediately take into account the SEO aspect so that in the future you do not have to create additional sections and landing pages, which means it is necessary to approve long-term goals and short-term tasks with the customer.
To save resources, AI was used to search for possible solutions, in particular, to analyze successful websites and prepare options for subsequent development of the architecture of the future website by specialists together with the customer. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to save the client's time and money, without losing, and even gaining in the quality of the site.
Based on the AI we have tested, we have created our own module for collecting the semantic core: the module collects a pool of queries, composing a variety of combinations of words and phrases based on the information provided on the site and the analysis of the search results. The selection takes place in 3 stages, taking into account the selection of associative words. An experienced specialist controls and adjusts the AI results.
The module is also capable of sorting the final selection of phrases into commercial ones for direct promotion and non-commercial ones for informational blog articles. Our development allowed us to save the specialist's time while working on a project with a modest budget: much faster than using the KeyCollector program, as well as solving the problem of simultaneously selecting commercial and non-commercial phrases.
When writing the optimization text, AI took over most of the preparation. The main difficulty in writing such texts is compliance with writing standards (EEAT). To achieve high quality articles, we derived queries (for AI) that would be relevant to this rule.
The second difficulty in writing texts was the subject matter. Search engines are very scrupulous about articles on medical topics. To eliminate risks associated with articles, the entire text was agreed upon with medical specialists. We loaded the customer's corrections back into the AI for analysis, and the subsequent versions of the text took into account previous comments, increasing the credibility of what was written. Tests of the optimized articles through specialized text quality checking services confirmed the high quality of the material. The results of this work were not long in coming—the first effect of optimization became visible the month after the placement.
All meta tags were written in the same way as in optimization articles. Example of a generated meta tag:
Each page was checked for meta tag writing standards. This is necessary to ensure that all standards are met and to eliminate the possibility of errors.
When posting the optimization, there was a significant lack of content from the client. To compensate for the lack of material, we used the capabilities of AI to generate images. The system allows you to create the necessary images using a number of requests. The operator creates the necessary material using commands, edits it and sends it to the customer for approval. This approach allows you to avoid complications with copyrights and use unique, beautiful images generated by AI.
Below are illustrations for example:
The site has an information blog with articles written by AI. All articles were written by artificial intelligence according to a specific technical task: AI is able to place keys with different types of occurrence, which allowed us to combine information phrases, as well as control the frequency and nausea of the text. It was important to achieve a "humanized" text, and not mechanical, which artificial intelligence successfully coped with.
Despite the modest budget of the project, technical audits were regularly carried out on the site using AI due to their low cost in comparison with classical audits, to control the quality of the site. For example, with the help of AI, the quality of website optimization for keywords was checked: a person will compare keys, search for them by the content on the page, how correctly they are indicated, spend time on this process, and then make an assessment of whether the page is filled with correct content. In contrast, AI will quickly determine how well the content matches user queries in search results.
The results of these checks signaled to us the need to make certain adjustments depending on the deviations:
When promoting SEO, it is important to regularly adjust and supplement the site with useful content. Collecting recommendations is a labor-intensive process and takes a lot of time from specialists. As an alternative to the usual work algorithm, we decided to use a usability audit with AI. Thanks to the ability to analyze a large data stream, artificial intelligence took top sites on the topic as a basis and selected recommendations based on them. The system freed the operator from routine work and made it possible to switch attention to the implementation of the proposed aspects.
The result of the work was a competitive selling site occupying high positions, filled with expert content — the new resource began to meet the requirements of both search engines and the end consumer.
During the work, we not only completed the tasks set by the client, but also generated and implemented a strategy for promoting the site with a new architecture and priority areas for medical specialists.
The use of AI technologies allowed us to take a more comprehensive approach to the implementation of the project and pay more attention to activities that are not available within a modest budget. As a result, we achieved an increase in positions for more than 90% of high-frequency phrases in the Rostov region, which allowed us to attract a large volume of active traffic, including from mobile devices thanks to the adaptive layout, which is reflected in an increase in traffic. As an illustration, we provide the value of the maximum indicator of exit to the first page (in the top 10) - 78% of the total number of phrases.
We would like to note separately that, while working on one promotion city, we managed to cover neighboring cities and attract patients from a neighboring city with a population of over a million to a clinic located in a satellite city, successfully withstanding the competition of complex topics and large networks.
Attendance dynamics:
Bounce rate compared to the market:
The graph below shows information from the Yandex.Metrica widget, which displays statistics for the period when the site was functioning before our cooperation, compared to the beginning of our work, including the installation of new modules, as well as the implementation of feedback forms.
Our original interpretation of artificial intelligence allowed us not only to significantly reduce the costs of implementing routine website promotion activities, but also to create a module that greatly simplified and improved the collection of the semantic core. In one session, with minimal investment of the specialist's time, AI collected a pool of commercial and, separately, non-commercial (blog) queries.
Thus, we significantly reduced the time spent on routine and allocated hours to solving complex, analytical problems. For example, having analyzed the expectations and needs of the target audience, we created clear and convenient pages for different groups: patients with poor vision, older people, connoisseurs of transparency in pricing and detailed information about medical services.
Thus, by combining artificial intelligence, SEO and marketing, we were able not only to achieve high positions in search results, but also to expand the territorial reach of the audience, and also successfully convert site visitors into clinic patients.