Technical fabrics and household goods: traffic growth by 223.5%, visibility growth by 3 times

Promotion period:
4 years and 6 months
Promotion region:
Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Maykop, Sevastopol, Simferopol
Search traffic growth:
17,000 → 38,000 (per year)
TOP-10 Yandex:
87% of search phrases

We had to work hard on the website to bring it up to modern standards! A complete update was needed: design change, usability improvement, semantic core tidying up. A domain was registered, a logo and color identity were developed, a new catalog was created, technical optimization was carried out.

For this project, we attracted not only an SEO specialist, marketer and copywriter, but also a designer and a programmer. Teamwork showed excellent results! Website of the company OOO “KIRILLITSA 23”:

  • It became more recognizable, which is good for the brand
  • It began to respond to requests from both private clients and wholesalers
  • It got rid of technical errors
  • It received new clients from search engines

Briefly about the client's business

Sale of rags (fabric, felt, gloves, mittens, textiles) and household goods, purchase of clothing for recycling.

Main goal

Make the site more modern and convenient for visitors. Complete update to enter the TOP-10 search engines and attract targeted traffic.


  • Design redesign
  • Usability improvement
  • Attracting clients from PS
  • Bringing to TOP-10 search engines by keywords

Project Features, Difficulties

1. Mixing the Semantic Core
Within the framework of one project, commercial and informational requests, retail and wholesale are combined. Confusion is created, which hinders promotion.
2. Narrow subject matter
which does not allow you to occupy several niches in search engines at once.

What was done

1. Collection and clustering of semantics.
2. Analysis of competitors to identify and eliminate the site's weak points.
3. Preparation and publication of SEO-optimized articles.
4. Website design development from scratch. Color identity, logo, product cards, technical optimization.
Updated catalog:
5. Registering a new domain.
6. Setting up the company's location on the map.
7. Connecting analytics systems (installing Yandex and Google metrics counters), registering a webmaster account.
8. Transferring the site to the secure https protocol.
9. Updating old tables with prices.
10. Preparing information articles for non-commercial purposes (rag delivery).
11. Monitoring the uniqueness of published content.
12. Solving technical issues: checking page indexing in search engines, setting up a site map, working with redirects.

Problem and solution

The main difficulty was the mixed semantic core, designed for different target audiences (wholesalers and retail customers, information niche traffic). To avoid confusion, we carefully worked out the semantic core, distributed key phrases across several clusters and many optimization articles. Meta tags were also worked out.

Results achieved

After SEO optimization and changes, traffic to the site increased by 223.5% - from 17,000 to 38,000 per year.
Conversions for the last months (taking into account New Year holidays):
Share of transitions from search engines:
The return of visitors to the site has increased 3 times:
The client's website occupies high positions in search engines, on par with major aggregators:
For some queries, we managed to bypass Yandex Market and Ozon:
Positions for queries designed for wholesale customers:

Development plans

The client is focused on systematic and long-term development of the project without unnecessary haste. Currently, our team s efforts are focused on the following areas:
1. Adding the “online consultant” form.
2. Implementing the order placement option on the website (shopping cart, product addition form, shipping cost calculation).
3. Posting thank-you letters and reviews to increase customer trust.
4. Adding information about the counterparties the company cooperates with.
5. Creating the FAQ section - questions and answers.
6. Adding sales triggers and promotions to increase conversions.

What was achieved

We consider the increase in brand awareness due to the new logo, color identity and comprehensive usability development to be an undoubted plus. Return rate increased 3 times, which indicates audience engagement.

During our cooperation, the client's website was completely redesigned, both in terms of design and usability. We transferred the project to a more memorable domain and a secure protocol. We managed to structure the chaotic semantics, “put it on the shelves”.

Our efforts were appreciated by search robots, which was reflected in a twofold increase in traffic. What is no less important is that conversions increased, the site became a good tool for doing business.

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