+7 (800) 201-33-21

Hotel complex
on the territory of the resort
Old Gagra in Abkhazia

Project objective
The customer set the task to develop an atmospheric and functional website. The design should evoke pleasant associations with the sea, relaxation and resort atmosphere, but, at the same time, perform the main function - to convert site visitors into hotel guests. Design dominants: calm aristocratic aesthetics and convenient functionality.

«Discussing the options for implementing the project, we came to the conclusion that the site should work for two audiences: regular guests and new (potential) ones. It is important for the former to evoke pleasant nostalgia, and for the latter to convince that the hotel in question is the best for relaxation. We tried to implement these two tasks in the design.»

Stanislav, project manager

project manager

Home page
We decided that the first screen should immediately introduce the user to the hotel, especially since there is something to show!
The background image is the main facade of the NART hotel. Recognizable for regular guests and attractive in a resort-like manner for new ones. The abundance of white elements and fonts echoes the boarding house logo and the color of the facade, creating aesthetic harmony and focusing attention on important functionality. On the first screen, the main functionality of the site is the room booking module.
Implemented with the same convenience on the PC and mobile version, since a large percentage of users will book rooms and get acquainted with hotels from smartphones.
We decided to provide the ability to quickly add text promotions and important information for guests on the Main Page. The running line allows you to immediately draw attention to the message, and is also an interesting element of PC design.

«Of course, when choosing a hotel, visual perception is important. Every potential guest, ideally, wants to see the territory, the beach and the rooms with their own eyes before making a reservation. We decided to provide such an opportunity: we filled the main page with high-quality graphic and video content, integrated videos with views of the territory, the beach and the buffet.»

Stanislav, project manager

project manager

Rooms page
Once the user has become familiar with the territory and the restaurant, has been enchanted by the sea views and resort architecture, it is time to demonstrate the comfort of the room font. The emphasis is on maximum visualization and conciseness. All the most necessary information for choosing a room is collected in a compact card.
  • The result of the work was a beautiful, modern and functional website. We are confident that the developed modules and design solutions will help potential guests of the hotel to immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere and make a decision about booking.
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