Production of rubber crumb and street coverings - traffic growth of 188.8% in six months from the start of promotion

Promotion period:
11 months
Promotion region:
Search traffic growth:
900 → 1700
TOP-10 Yandex:
83% of phrases

Caring about the environment has become a fashionable trend! The employees of the company "ECO PROM" know this firsthand, they are engaged in a noble cause - they recycle worn-out car tires into high-quality coatings from rubber crumb.

But for success, it is not enough to do something useful. It is important to declare yourself to the client, and there were obvious problems with this.

When we started promoting this company in March 2023, its website was literally on the outskirts of the search results - it could only be found by one key phrase. Search traffic was practically non-existent, and something urgently needed to be done about it! We focused on several goals:

  • Comprehensive optimization (texts, tags, keys)
  • Finding growth points
  • Fixing technical errors
  • Adjusting the site structure

The work began to boil, and this is what came out of it.

Briefly about the client's business

Production of rubber crumb and street coverings, recycling of used tires.

Main goal

Attracting traffic from search engines. Before promotion, the site had poor positions in search engines for several years.


  • Increasing positions in search engines
  • Improving usability
  • Implementation of analytics systems
  • Comprehensive technical optimization

What difficulties arose

1. Seasonal direction of business
The interest of the target audience changes, depending on the time of year. Periodic adjustment of semantics is required.
2. Complete lack of optimization
This circumstance hinders the promotion of the site. On the other hand, it represents a potential “growth point” that can be exploited.
3. Narrow product focus
Websites focused on selling one product are more difficult to promote in search engines.

Works performed

1. Comprehensive audit — identifying errors and weak points.
2. Compiling a semantic core.
3. Preparing optimized SEO articles (15 pieces for the first month of promotion).
4. Adjusting the site structure. Updating prices, emphasizing advantages, adding information about the structure of the group of companies.

Block with a description of advantages.

5. Adjusting the semantic core for different product groups in order to promote highly specialized products (DIY kits, self-leveling rubber coating, etc.).
6. Moving the site to a more stable and fast hosting.
7. Filling empty sections with thematic content in order to improve ranking in search engines.
8. Setting up an analytics system (Yandex.Metrica) and target conversions.
9. Implementation of an SEO module on the website to promote it.
10. Updating the privacy policy, implementing a notification about the use of cookies.

Problem and solution

1. Seasonal drop in demand.
To compensate for the drop, the semantics for various product groups were carefully worked out.
2. Low optimization.
An integrated approach was required: implementation of analytics, optimization of meta tags, writing articles for key queries. Changed hosting to a more stable one, so that there would be no problems with the availability of the site.
3. Narrow subject matter.
To effectively promote a specialized product, we conducted a thorough study of the market and competitors, updated the semantic core.


Work on optimization, structure improvement and content preparation gave the expected growth in traffic from search engines: from 900 to 1700 people per month. For many key queries, the site is consistently in the TOP-10 search results.

Despite the seasonal decline in interest, positive dynamics of traffic growth are observed:

The top line is the site in progress, the bottom line is the traffic before the start of promotion.
The number of visitors during the season increased by 2 times. The graph shows the ratio of traffic in November 2023 (during promotion) to November 2022 (before the start of work).
Presence in search results:


Reworking the site structure, writing SEO articles, updating and optimizing content is painstaking work, but generally familiar to us. The efforts expended quickly brought results, traffic grew as expected, the site began to generate profit.

But an external factor intervened - a seasonal decline in interest in the products began. We had to brainstorm, look for a way to stop this problem. And a solution was found! We adjusted the semantic core taking into account seasonality and customer needs.

At present, the site continues to develop confidently and grow its target audience.

Development plans

The main efforts will be concentrated on improving usability - the task is to retain the visitor and turn him into a client.
1. Add a section "Reviews" with the aim of forming a positive image of the company.
2. Implement new menu items “Guarantees”, “Payment and”delivery”.
3. Add a “Promotions” section.
4. Create a “How We Work” block, which should clearly present the ordering process. It will be easier for the customer to make a purchase, which will lead to an increase in conversion.
5. Add the “Certificates” section. Licensed companies approved by regulatory authorities enjoy greater trust from customers.
6. Add the “online consultant” module, new ways of communication.
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