The site «novocraft.ru» is a store that simultaneously operates in the B2B and B2C segments (i.e. with retail and wholesale customers). The company also produces hand and power tools under its own brand. Accordingly, we needed to optimize the site so that it would fulfill three tasks:
- Attract retail customers with a wide selection, specific prices, and special offers.
- Provide wholesalers with supply guarantees, encourage large-sum deals.
- Advertise your own brand and reveal its advantages.
Making a 3-in-1 site is not easy, but it is a feasible task for true professionals! We started by working out the semantics for the retail and wholesale segments, and streamlined the site structure. Then we improved the visual presentation of products and usability. A comprehensive technical optimization was carried out, numerous duplicate meta tags, broken links and other errors were corrected. This is what came out of it.
Briefly about the client's business
Main goal
- Adapting the site to the needs of the B2B and B2C segments
- Increasing traffic from search engines
- Increasing conversions and return rates
- Promoting the client's own brand
Features of the site, difficulties in work
Completed work

Problem and solution
Complex structure, large number of products. Sites of this type are very demanding to the technical part, so we first of all got rid of errors and organized an orderly structure. The following work was also completed:
- Setting up meta tags for sections with the addition of commercial key phrases
- Developing navigation
- Forming a hierarchy of headings with checking their uniqueness
- Adding keys to alt attributes of images (for searching by images)
Mixing wholesale and retail segments required careful development of semantics. We took into account the requests of both target audiences. For individuals, we used high-frequency keys, and for wholesalers, we used low-frequency words in combination with brand queries. We also structured the catalog, providing a more competent presentation of products.
What results have we achieved?

Development plans
Continue working!
For us, this was a very interesting experience of multi-vector website promotion. To achieve the desired result, it was necessary to group semantics for B2B and B2C directions, get rid of tags that interrupt each other and duplicates. We paid great attention to updating the content and preparing SEO articles to fill the sections. Registration in catalogs was performed as external optimization.
As a result, our customer got new clients in the wholesale and retail segments, and we improved our skills and acquired new knowledge. Much has been done, but there are still prospects for development. We continue to look for growth points, implement new technologies and solutions!